The River Thames

The Thames is undoubtedly one of Britain's most important rivers and has helped shape our history and way of life in many ways. Flowing from Thames Head near Kemble in Gloucestershire through Oxford, Reading, Maidenhead, Windsor and London to the North Sea, it is England's longest river at 213 miles. Its navigable, non-tidal section from Lechlade to Teddington is 135 miles long and contains 44 locks.

The Thames has been host to battles, strategic crossing points, prehistoric settlements, industry of all shapes and sizes, royal palaces, hamlets, villages, towns, cities, commerce, global trade, murder, mystery, remarkable wildlife, literary inspiration, political scandal, constitutional, political and industrial revolution, world records, sporting spectaculars and much partying, dinking, eating, meeting, talking, walking, cycling, riding, boating and sailing. To top it all, it still provides two thirds of the drinking water for the residents of one of the biggest and greatest cities on the planet. Not bad for something that starts out as a trickle of water in the corner of a quiet field in Gloucestershire.

A complete overview of all that has happened to this incredible natural resource is impractical for a site of this nature (at least for the time being) but there is a wealth of information out there on the internet for you to learn about the life, times and history of the River Thames.

The best palce to start is probably the nearest thing to an official site at It's put together by the Envoronment Agency and is an excellent site. It provides a great deal of useful information but please come back to my site when you've had a look! I've got more photos ;-))

You can also try - a simpler but nonetheless good site.
